Social Studies
I graduated from Douglass High School and eventually Emporia State University.
I have a Bachelor of Science in Education (Social Studies), and a Master of Science degree in Learning Disabilities. Both from Emporia Sate University.
I have been teaching at Belle Plaine for over a quarter of a century. I spent over 20 years in the middle school before moving up to the high school. I currently teach World Studies and U.S. History courses at BPHS.
My wife, Traci, is also a teacher at Belle Plaine. She teaches in the Middle School. All 3 of my children have attended Belle Plaine schools. My oldest son, Cullen, graduated from B.P.H.S. in 2017. My daughter, Mallory, will be a Sophomore, and my youngest son, Nolan, will be in 8th grade for the 2017-2018 school year.
When I am not teaching, I spend a lot of time after school coaching. I am currently coaching middle school football, and high school track.
I also enjoy spending time with my family, traveling and camping during the summer, and teaching my children to hunt and appreciate the great outdoors.